═══ 1. Extended Help ═══ The APT Mailing Assistant provides you with an easy way to produce professional looking envelopes and labels using your personal computer's printer. The program supports several sizes of envelopes and mailing labels. All envelopes and some labels will be printed with United States Postal Service approved POSTNET delivery point bar codes. When printing a single label from a sheet, the program allows you select which label on the sheet to print, thus allowing you to use most or all of the labels on a sheet. The primary window of APT Mailing Assistant shows you the return and send names that will be used when an envelope or label is printed. In addition, a second window, APTMA Selections, will indicate the address file being used, the printer type selected, and the paper to be used. The menu choices on the primary window are used as follows:  File - Manage address files and manage the printer. - Change the current address file being used or create a new one. - Delete an address file. - List an address file. - Merge two address files. - Select the font to be used when printing the return or send address. - Select the label to be used when 8 1/2" x 11" paper size has been chosen. - Setup the printer, paper, paper feed, and paper orientation to be used. - Print an envelope or label. - Exit the APT Mailing Assistant.  Addresses - Manage names and addresses in an address file - Find, change, or save a return address. - Find, change, or save a send address. - Swap the return and send addresses. - Delete an address from an address file.  Bulk Mail - Perform bulk mailing - Print a bulk mailing using the current address file and paper selected. - Print personalized return envelopes for your bulk mailing. - Print statistics for your bulk mailing.  Export/Import - Exchange information with other programs. - Import a text file. Text files are comma delimited string files. - Export a text file. - Import a CASS file that has been certified. - Export a CASS file. CASS files may be sent to the postal service for certification. ═══ 2. Help for Key Assignments ═══ The following shortcut keys may be used in the APT Mailing Assistant: Key Purpose F3 Change the return address F4 Change the send address F5 Delete an address from the current address file F8 Change the current address file F9 Swap the return and send addresses F10 Print an envelope or label using the addresses shown and the printer and paper indicated in the APTMA Selections Window ═══ 3. Change Address File ═══ This option allows you to change the current address file. Whenever you save a return or send address, it will be saved in the current address file. Whenever you lookup an address, the current address file will be searched. The current address file will also be used when you generate a bulk mailing. That current address file appears on the first line in the APTMA Selections window.  Address Files  Current Address File ═══ 4. Delete an Address File ═══ This option allows you to delete an address file. Both physical files that make up the address file (the base file and the .PTR file) are deleted. You can also delete an address file using the OS/2 DEL command as long as both files are deleted. If you delete the current address file, will need to change to another address file before any addresses can be saved.  Address Files ═══ 5. List an Address File ═══ This option allows you to list the addresses in an address file to the display or on the printer. You can limit the amount of information listed by specifying you want to only list addresses in a specific city, a specific state, a city state combination, or within a range of zip codes. The zip code range is ignored if a city or state is specified.  Address Files ═══ 6. Merge Two Address Files ═══ This menu allows you to merge an address file into a second address file. If records with the same name exist in both files and the Check for Duplicate Names checkbox is checked, you will be askedif you want to add or replace the record in the output file, or ignore the record altogether. If you do not check the Check for Duplicate Names checkbox, duplicate addresses are automatically added. You can limit the records being merged by specifying you want to only merge addresses from a specific city, a specific state, a city state combination, or within a range of zip codes. The zip code range is ignored if a city or state is specified. If the address file being merged into does not exist, it will be created.  Address Files ═══ 7. Print ═══ This option causes a single envelope or label to be printed. The return and send addresses displayed on the primary window will be printed using the printer, paper, and fonts shown. If printing on a label sheet, you will be asked which label of the sheet you want to use.  Printer Setup  Label Selection ═══ 8. Change Return Address ═══ This allows you to change the return address shown in the primary window or the bulk mail window. It does not save the address in the current address file unless you press the Save pushbutton. If you are using preprinted envelopes that already contain a return address, insure that the return address is blank.  Current Address File ═══ 9. Change Send Address ═══ This option allows you to change the send address shown in the primary window. It does not save the address in the current address file unless you press the Save pushbutton.  Current Address File ═══ 10. Fonts ═══ You may specify the font you wish to use when printing the return address or send address on an envelope or label. When you select this option you will be presented with a dialog that allows you to choose the font type and size you wish to use. When changing one of the fonts being used, you should always print some sample envelopes and labels to insure the font looks as you wish. Also realize that choosing a larger font may cause the return address or POSTNET bar codes to no longer print on some labels since may not be room for them. ═══ 11. Delete an Address ═══ This option allows you to delete an address from the current address file. You will be shown a list of all of the names in the address file and you may select the one you want to delete.  Current Address File ═══ 12. Swap Addresses ═══ This option swaps the send and return addresses in the primary window. This allows you to easily print a return envelope for an item being sent. ═══ 13. Primary Name Field ═══ This field is required. You should enter the individual or company name to be used as the return address. If the return address is saved, this name will be used as the key in the address file.  Address File Keys. ═══ 14. Intermediate Address Lines ═══ The second, third, and fourth lines of an address can be used for additional address information such as company name, street address, P.O. Box, apartment number etc. The Postal Service has several rules as to the order in which information should be placed in an address. For example, when sending a letter to an individual within a company, it is recommended that the person's name is on the first line of the letter, with the company name as the second line as in the following example: Joe Example Widget Manufacturing 200 Park Ave. Hometown, WA 12345-1234 For other rules, please see your local post office. The only rules that APT Mailing Assistant strictly enforces are: 1. The first line of the address will be used as the key when the address is saved. 2. The city, state, and zip codes must be specified in the proper fields. 3. The last completed address line before the city, state, and zip code will be used to determine the delivery point code. 4. Intervening blank lines will not be printed on the envelope or label.  Delivery Point Codes ═══ 15. City ═══ This field contains the city of the address. It should not be followed by a comma since APT Mailing Assistant automatically enters a comma after the city when printing the envelope or label. ═══ 16. State ═══ This field contains the state or province of the address. If it contains a state, it is strongly recommended that the two character state preferred by the U.S. Postal Service is entered. No verification is done on this field. ═══ 17. Zip Code ═══ This field contains the zip code for the address. For U.S. zip codes this should be the 5 or 9 digit numeric zip code in the form of nnnnn or nnnnn-nnnn. For a send address, the zip code is used to calculate the POSTNET bar code printed on envelopes and some labels. When a 9 digit zip code is specified, a delivery point bar code will be included in the POSTNET code. Delivery point codes enable faster delivery and are required to be eligible for certain bulk mail discounts. For non-U.S. zip codes, this field may contain alphabetic characters. No POSTNET bar codes are generated for non-U.S. zip codes.  Delivery Point Codes ═══ 18. Country ═══ The country where the address is located. This field is completely optional but, if entered, will be printed on any envelopes and labels using this address. It is recommended that you only use this field when neccessary, since some labels do not have much room. APT Mailing Assistant will always attempt to print a complete send address on a label (including the country) and will not print POSTNET codes or return addresses if it runs out of room. ═══ 19. Change Address Dialog ═══ This menu allows you to change a send or return address. Any changes made here will be reflected in the primary window and, if changing a return address, in the bulk mail window. If you want to look up the address in the current address file, press the FIND button. To save the address in the current address file, press the SAVE button.  Current Address File ═══ 20. Address File Name ═══ The name of the address file you want to use for this operation. This must be the base filename, not the .PTR name.  Address Files ═══ 21. City ═══ If a city is entered here, the listing or merge will ignore all addresses in the address file that are not in this city. This may be used in combination with the state field to further limit the records selected. ═══ 22. State ═══ If a state is entered here, the listing or merge will ignore all addresses in the address file that are not in this state. This may be used in combination with the city field to further limit the records selected. ═══ 23. Zip Code Range ═══ If a range of zip codes is entered, the listing or merge will ignore all addresses in the address file that are not in this range. If the starting zip code is blank, it is assumed you want to start the list or merge with the lowest zip code in the address file. If the ending zip code is blank, the list or merge will continue through the highest zip code in the file. ═══ 24. Display Listing on the Screen ═══ Select the display button if you want the listing displayed on the screen. ═══ 25. Print the Listing on the System Printer ═══ Select the print button if you want the listing printed on the currently selected printer using the currently selected paper. Thus, you should make sure you select an 8 1/2" x 11" form size before selecting this option. ═══ 26. Bulk Mail ═══ This option will allow you to print a bulk mailing using the current address file on the selected labels or envelopes. You may limit the mailing to a range of zip codes, or a certain city or state. You can also print permit boxes when using envelopes. Bulk mailing is valid for U.S. addresses only so normally non-U.S. addresses will not be included. However, you may want to do a group mailing where you will not be using the bulk mail rate. In these cases check the Include non-U.S. Addresses box to include non-U.S. Addresses. ═══ 27. Statistics ═══ This option allows you to obtain a zip code breakdown for your bulk mailing. You should use the same selection criteria (i.e. zip code range, etc.) as you will use to perform the bulk mailing. Statistics will always be printed to the currently selected printer and you should insure the proper form size has been chosen in the Printer Setup menu for this listing. Bulk mail statistics will also include an indication of how many addresses would not fit on the currently selected label. This statistic appears even if you plan to use envelopes for the mailing. ═══ 28. Return Envelopes ═══ This option allows you to print personalized return envelopes to include with your bulk mailing and can only be selected if the paper type is an envelope. You should use the same selection criteria (i.e. zip code range, etc.) as was used to perform the bulk mailing. ═══ 29. Input Address File Name ═══ The name of the address file you want to merge information from. This must be the base file name, not the .PTR name and the file must exist.  Address Files ═══ 30. Output Address File Name ═══ The name of the address file you want to merge information into. This must be the base file name, not the .PTR name. If the address file does not exist, it will be created.  Address Files ═══ 31. Check for Duplicate Names ═══ If this box is checked, you will be notified each time a duplicate name is found during a merge or import, and asked what action to take. If the box is not checked then duplicate records will automatically be added to the ouput address file. ═══ 32. Printer Setup ═══ This menu will take you to the OS/2 printer setup dialog where you can select the type of printer and paper you want to use. Insure that you select the proper orientation for the paper and printer you select. Any changes you make here remain in effect for any printing you do in APT Mailing Assistant unless you return here to change the settings. If you are printing labels, select an 8 1/2" x 11" paper size (usually "Letter") for the printer and select the type of label you are printing with the Label Selection menu. You must also choose an 8 1/2" x 11" paper size before printing bulk mail statistics or an address file. ═══ 33. Export to a Text File ═══ This option will export an address file into a comma delimited string text file that can be imported into most database programs. If you export into an existing text file, the contents of that file are destroyed. See the User's Guide for specific information about field sizes. ═══ 34. Export to a CASS File ═══ This option will export an address file into a file that can then be sent to the U.S. Postal Service for CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) certification of your mailing list. Having a CASS certified mailing list along with a CASS certified program such as APT Mailing Assistant, can make you eligible for certain bulk mailing discounts. See the User's Guide for additional information about CASS certification. Only U.S. addresses are exported. ═══ 35. Import from a Text File ═══ This option will import a comma delimited string text file into an address file. Most database programs can export a comma delimited string file. If you import into an existing address file, the records are merged into the file in the proper sequence. If there are duplicates in the existing file and the check duplicates box is checked, you will be asked to add the record being imported, replace the record in the address file with the imported record, or ignore the imported record. If the box is not checked, duplicate addresses will automatically be added. See the User's Guide for specific information about field sizes and formats in the import file.  Duplicate Addresses ═══ 36. Import from a CASS File ═══ This option will import a file that has been CASS certified by the U.S. Postal Service into a new address file. This operation will not let you import into an existing address file since this could make CASS certification of the mailing list invalid. You can choose to have a certification report generated that lists all of the warning and error codes found by the Postal Service during the certification process. The certification report returned with your diskette contains information on any errors that were found that must be corrected for your list to be certified. However, the APT Mailing Assistant report includes the information codes that describe improvements that may be made to the mailing list to make it "more correct". This report will be printed on the currently selected printer and the "8 1/2" x 11" paper size should be chosen. ═══ 37. Input Text File Name ═══ The name of the text file containing the addresses you want to import. This must be a comma delimited string text file containing eight fields. The exact format of the file and the fields is described in the User's Guide. ═══ 38. Input CASS File Name ═══ The name of the CASS certified file containing the addresses you want to import. This is a text file that has been returned to by the U.S. Postal Service as part of the mailing list certification process. The format of this file is described in the Coding Accuracy Support System publications available from the Postal Service. ═══ 39. Output Address File Name ═══ The name of the address file you want to import information into. This must be the base file name, not the .PTR name. When importing from a CASS file this file must be a new address file and will automatically be created. When importing from a text file, this file may already exist, in which case the imported addresses are merged into the existing file.  Address Files ═══ 40. Input Address File Name ═══ The name of the address file containing the information you want to export. This must be the base file name, not the .PTR name and the file must exist.  Address Files ═══ 41. Output CASS File Name ═══ The name of a file to be used to contain the mailing list that will be sent to the U.S. Postal Service for certification. This should be a new file name. If the file already exists, its contents will be destroyed. The format of this file is described in the Coding Accuracy Support System publications available from the Postal Service. When the file is built, it should be sent to a diskette and mailed to the CASS certification center for certification. ═══ 42. Output Text File Name ═══ The name of the text file you want to contain the exported addresses. This should be a new file. If the file already exists, its contents will be destroyed. At the conclusion of the export, this file will contain comma delimited string information, each record containing seven fields, that can be imported into most common database programs. The exact format of the file and the fields is described in the User's Guide. ═══ 43. Duplicate Address ═══ This dialog box appears when a duplicate name has been found during a merge or import operation and the Check for Duplicate Names box has been checked, A record exists in the output file with the same name as a record from the input file. You may choose to add the duplicate record to the output file, replace the record in the output file with the new record from the input file, or you may ignore the new record from the input file and not place it in the output file.  Address File Keys ═══ 44. Select Label to Print ═══ This dialog box appears when you are printing a single label using a sheet of labels (note - 4013 and 4060 are not sheet labels). You may choose the specific label on the label sheet you want to use by selecting the appropriate number. This allows you to reuse a label sheet many times, thus reducing or eliminating unused labels. Note: Several factors influence how many times you can run the same sheet of labels through a laser printer, including the quality of the labels and the amount of heat generated by the printer. However, you should be able to use most, if not all, labels on a sheet. ═══ 45. Find an Address ═══ This dialog box appears any time you need to select an address from the current address file. This may be because you want to find a new send or return address, or because you want to delete an address. Select the address you want to use or delete.  Current Address File ═══ 46. Duplicate Address ═══ This dialog box appears whenever you are trying to add an address to the current address file and the name already exists in that file. This message occurs if the name is the same, even if other information in the address is not identical. You may choose to continue to add the name to the address file leaving the existing record in the file, replace the record in the file with the new name, or cancel the add operation.  Address File Keys  Current Address File ═══ 47. Bulk Mailing ═══ This dialog box appears whenever you select bulk mail, statistics, or return envelopes from the bulk mail menu. All of these operations use the current address file shown in the APTMA Selections window. You can print permit boxes on your bulk mail envelopes by completing the permit box section. To print permit boxes you must have a bulk mail (or first class) account at your post office (see your local post office for more information). This section is not active if you are printing statistics or return envelopes, or if you have not chosen envelopes as your paper type. You may also choose to limit the mailing to a certain range of zip codes.  APTMA Selections  Current Address File ═══ 48. Printer Setup ═══ You can press this push button to go to the printer setup menu to select the printer and paper you want to use for the operation you have selected. The changes you make will remain in effect even after you leave bulk mailing.  Printer Setup Menu ═══ 49. Bulk Mail Permit Information ═══ If you have a bulk mail, nonprofit, or presorted first class permit at the post office, you can complete the permit information and APT Mailing Assistant will print a permit box on your envelopes. To get a permit box you must have: 1. selected an envelope as the paper type. 2. the proper bulk mail, nonprofit, or first class account at the post office and have selected the proper button indicating this. 3. selected the bulk mail option (not statistics or return envelopes). 4. completely filled in the permit number and the city and state of the post office holding your account. For more information about bulk mail permits, check with your local post office.  Bulk Rate Button  Nonprofit Button  Presorted First Class Button ═══ 50. Bulk Rate Button ═══ Select this button if you are printing permit boxes on your bulk mailing envelopes and you have a normal bulk rate permit. This causes "BULK RATE" to appear in the permit box. ═══ 51. Nonprofit Button ═══ Select this button if you are printing permit boxes on your mailing envelopes and you have a nonprofit organization permit.This causes "NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION" to appear in the permit box. ═══ 52. Presorted First Class ═══ Select this button if you are printing permit boxes on your mailing envelopes and you have a presorted first class permit. This causes "PRESORTED FIRST CLASS" to appear in the permit box. ═══ 53. Zip+4 Discount ═══ This box is disabled unless you are printing permit boxes on your mailing envelopes and you have a selected presorted first class. Check this box if your mailing meets the Postal Service requirements that let you qualify for the 9 digit zip code discount. This will cause "ZIP+4 BARCODED" to appear in the permit box. ═══ 54. Address Files ═══ Address files are a pair of normal OS/2 files working together to store your names and addresses. The two parts of an address file are the "base" file whose name you specify when you create a new address file, and a "pointer" file whose name is derived from the base name by taking the file name and adding an extension of .PTR. The base file name you specifiy can be any valid OS/2 name as long as you do not use an extension of .PTR since this would conflict with the generated pointer file name. Address files may be moved using normal OS/2 commands as long as the base and pointer files are moved together to the same location. ═══ 55. Current Address File ═══ The current address file is shown in the APTMA Selections window. This file will be used whenever you save, delete, or find an address; or when you do a bulk mailing. It can be changed by the Changing the Current Address File option in the File menu.  APTMA Selections  Changing the Current Address File ═══ 56. Names and Addresses ═══ Names and addresses used by the APT Mailing Assistant have a flexible format. They may be from 2 to 6 lines in length. The first line must always contain the name of the person or company that is the final destination of the letter or package. This name will be used as the key to store the name and address when saved in an address file. The other required of the address must contain the city, state or province, and 5 or 9 digit zip code of the parcel destination. The other lines of address may be used to contain other information pertinent to the delivery of the parcel. The most important of these is the delivery point address line. This is the last completed line before the city, state and zip line and usually contains the street address or post office box of the destination. This line is used to calculate the delivery point bar code for those addresses containing 9 digit zip codes. Note that the delivery point line is the last completed line prior to the city, state, and zip code line, not neccessarily the 4th line on the menu. Any blank lines on the menu are not printed on the resulting envelope or label. The remaining lines of address may be used to contain company names, department numbers, or any other information that would aid in the delivery the parcel. The last line on the menu is for the country where the address resides. If used, country will always be printed as the last line of the address. Because some labels are relatively small, you should only use the country field when neccessary. The U.S. Postal Service has many suggestions as to the format of a mailing address. While the APT Mailing Assistant strictly enforces only a few of these suggestions, it is a good idea to become familiar with all of them since they can make your mailing lists consistent and some may be required to obtain certain bulk mailing discounts.  Address Files  City  Country  Delivery Point Codes  State  Zip Code ═══ 57. Address File Keys ═══ Address files are in sequence by the first line of a name and address. Duplicate keys are allowed but if you follow the Postal Service's addressing guidelines, these should be rare. It is permissable to use numbers as the key (such as a customer number) and this number will print on the first line of an envelope or label. If you do this, insure you have the person or company that is the recipient of the parcel as the next address line. ═══ 58. APTMA Selections Window ═══ The APTMA Selections window appears at the bottom of the primary window and indicates the printer and paper selections you have chosen via the Printer Setup option. This window may be minimized but not closed. ═══ 59. Add an Address ═══ You may add an address to the current address file by pressing the Save pushbutton on the Change Return Address or Change Send Address windows. If the name you are saving already exists in the current address file, you will be asked if you want to replace the existing name or add the new one.  Address Files  Current Address File ═══ 60. Delivery Point Codes ═══ Delivery point codes assist the Post Office in delivery of the mail. These are calculated from the street number, P.O. Box number, or rural route number of the send address and the address line containing this information should be the last completed line before the city, state, and zip code line. The delivery point is included in the POSTNET bar code when a 9 digit zip (i.e. ZIP+4) code has been used. Certain bulk mail discounts require the mailing be delivery point bar coded. ═══ 61. Select Custom Label ═══ This menu allows you to enter the label number to be printed for custom labels. You must enter a number between 1 and the number of labels on the label sheet. Labels numbers begin at 1 in the upper left corner of the sheet and increase as you go down the page. When you reach the bottom of the page, continue numbering with the first label in the next column. ═══ 62. Custom Labels ═══ APT Mailing Assistant allows you to specify label sizes that it does not already have. When you select "Custom" from the label selection list, you must specify all of the requested information about the label sheet you want to define. Labels are assumes to be equally spaced on a page and the sheet must be an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet.  Labels Across  Labels Down  Label Width  Label Height  Left Margin  Top Margin ═══ 63. Label Selection ═══ This dialog allows you to select the type of label you want to print whenever you choose the 8 1/2" x 11" paper size from the Printer Setup menu. The size of the label dictates what information can be printed on them. 4013 and 5160 labels are too small for POSTNET codes. All other labels can contain POSTNET codes. Some labels are also large enough to contain a return address, depending on the fonts chosen for the return and send addresses. How much can fit on a label is calculated when the label is being printed. If there is not room for everything, the return address is the first thing eliminated. If there is still not enough room, the POSTNET codes are not printed. An attempt is always made to print the complete send address. ═══ 64. Label Type ═══ The type of label you want to use when labels are being printed. You can select one of the predefined label types or specify a type or your own by selecting "Custom". If you select Custom labels then you must complete the other information about how the labels are positioned on the label sheet. ═══ 65. Labels Across ═══ For custom labels, the number of labels across the page for a sheet of labels. Usually a 1, 2, or 3. ═══ 66. Labels Down ═══ For custom labels, the number of labels in a column down the page for a sheet of labels. Usually a number from 1 to 10. ═══ 67. Label Width ═══ For custom labels, the width of each label in inches. You can specify fractions of an inch, up to 1/1000 of an inch. For example, a label that is 3 1/3" wide is specified as 3.333. ═══ 68. Label Height ═══ For custom labels, the height of each label in inches. You can specify fractions of an inch up to 1/1000 of an inch. For example, a label that is 2 1/4" high is specified as 2.25. ═══ 69. Left Margin ═══ For custom labels, the distance, in inches, from the left edge of the paper for a sheet of labels to the beginning of the leftmost label. You can specify fractions of an inch up to 1/1000 of an inch. For example, a margin of 1/8" is specified as 0.125. ═══ 70. Top Margin ═══ For custom labels, the distance, in inches, from the top edge of the paper for a sheet of labels to the beginning of the first label. You can specify fractions of an inch up to 1/1000 of an inch. For example, a margin of 1/8" is specified as 0.125. ═══ 71. Non-U.S. Addresses ═══ APT Mailing Assistant provides support for addresses that do not conform to the U.S. address format. Primarily this includes a province name instead of state, zip codes that do not meet the format of U.S. zip codes (i.e. they contain alphabetics and are not in the 5 + 4 format), and the ability to specify country names as part of the address. Non-U.S. addresses are recognized by the a non-U.S zip code and are not included as part of a bulk mailing unless the Include Non-U.S. Addresses ═══ 72. Include Non-U.S. Addresses ═══ Checking this box will cause this bulk mailing to include any non U.S. addresses in the bulk mailing. Normal bulk mailings are only meaningful for U.S. addresses since bulk mailing rates are only applicable in the United States. However, you may want to do a group mailing that includes addresses that are not in the U.S.. For these mailings you should insure that this box is checked. ═══ 73. Forms Mismatch ═══ Some printer drivers supporting printers with multiple paper feeds require a connection to be set in the driver dialog between various paper feeds and the paper mounted in those feeds. If this connection is not made and you try to use a form that has not been connected to a paper source, a "Forms Mismatch" may occur. When using APT Mailing Assistant, you may begin using forms that you have not used on your printer before. If a "Forms Mismatch" error occurs, bring up the dialog for the printer driver you are using and connect the form you are using to a paper source. To bring up the printer driver dialog, do the following : 1. Place the mouse on a printer object and press the right mouse button. 2. Click on "Settings". 3. Click on the "Printer Drivers" tab. 4. Place the mouse on the printer driver you are trying to print to and press the right mouse button. 5. Click on "Settings". 6. At this point the procedure differs from driver to driver. Press the HELP button to determine how to connect forms for this driver.